Financial freedom and early retirement are becoming hot topics in this very competitive world. Most of us are working hard to achieve financial freedom in our early age. I personally prefer to venture into Financial market simply because of several reasons like it reflects global economy financial status, and most of the millionaires / billionaires are borned in financial market especially after the crisis. They succeed and they see the potential and opportunity there, so why not us?
Personal sharing of Global financial investment
1. Ways to prosper from the Global financial market
2. Global financial market review & information
3. Global stock market analysis
4. Understanding the importance of Global financial system towards us
Sunday, May 29, 2011
與時拼經.佈局下半年投資 馬股6月或重現生機
魚的投資策略 買在魚尾賣在魚頭
他在授教魚的投資策略時說,以散戶的最愛IOI集團(IOICORP,1961,主要板種植)為例,2009年2月因遠期外匯(foreign exchange forwards)操作不當蒙受龐大外匯虧損時,公司股價寫歷史低點,每股約2令吉,當時投資者是買在“魚尾”。
2012非末日 是投資年
Source: Chinapress (28/5/11)
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Case Study: Robert Kuok's Legend - PPB Group Bhd
2. PPB's flour milling arm FFM Group - The biggest Flour market player in Malaysia and is expanding aggressively locally and established Flour biz in Indonesia in year 2009 with small market share, plan to expand and target of 5%-10% Indonesia market share means 10% of 240mil Indonesia population = 100% malaysia population.
3. PPB plans to aggressively expanding the flour biz locally, Indonesia, Vietnam and China in future.
4. PPB is establishing the "Bread" business in near term.
Thursday, February 17, 2011
CENSOF - The key software provider & support for government
Strong & Stable Clientele
Pioneer among BUMI IPO companies
Good investment opportunity
Friday, February 11, 2011
Market is under healthy correction - Clear all holding position & stay sideline for next bargain chance
Immediate Trading Strategy
Immediate support level: 1,480, 1,450, 1,400.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
CNY Mood - Stay Sideline & Focus on CNY Celebration
Arrival of High Inflation
- The unbalance of economy recovery globally, where the emerging market are growing too fast, pushing all the properties & commodities resources flying sky high - Thanks to the hot money flowing in from US & EU countries.
- The most unexpected bad weather - Causing the commodites especially the agriculture prices fly, and creating the high inflation.
- Most comsumers consume 40% of their expenses in food & petrol- High food & petrol price may hurt the consumers spending desire.
Global worries
- The uncertainty in US economy recovery - Having the risk of losing momentum - Still require the government stimulus package which is still on going.
- The EU soverign debt issue - The worry and focus on PIIGS may impact the EU and global economies.
CNY Mood - Stay sideline & focus on CNY celebration
2011 CNY is just around the corner, which is in another 1.5 weeks to go, most investors or retailers are taking profit and withdraw it for CNY preparation. This is quite normal as most people would not wish to stay worry while celebration CNY. Furthermore, most of the stocks in Malaysia & globally have been experienced quite a fruitful bull run in 1H Jan 2011. People can just easily collect the minimum of 10-30% profit and back for CNY holidays! Subsequently, the overall market may enter into a quiet trading season again through out the CNY period, thus I strongly recommended just let's go for the CNY celebration & wish everyones has a prosperoous year ahead! Happy Chinese New Year!
Monday, January 17, 2011
Facebook group created
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Stock Investment Portfolio Review, Outlook & Strategy - 14012011
Top Picks within Favourite Stocks List
2. KimLun & Cypark
Both of these stocks are considered the new players among the listed companies. The same characteristics between these companies are they have good management team and stand in an advantage position to be benefited directly from the government Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) such as environmental friendly and MRT projects which have just announced recently.
3. Maybank, CIMB, RHBCAP, PBBank
With the combination of several factors like stable economy growth, increase of interest rate prospect, aggressive business acquisition and investment abroad among the finance industry, and together with a large amount of money spend by the government in 10MP, the Banking playsers are definitely one of the main beneficiary.
4. Sapcres, Kencana, Dialog, Pchem, PetDag
Oil & gas sector is one of the main beneficiary which has attracted the government focus. It is anticipated that a lot of giant projects will be tendered out and began in the near future.
Overall Market Outlook
The KLCI stock market looks attractive at the current 1570 level and most analysts and investors are confident with the market performance and have revised 2011 target at 1700 level. Nevertheless, it is very much depends on the global economy recovery too. I would anticipate the global market may continue to recover and the global equity bull run would at least continue the uptrend until the end of 1st half 2011, then follow by a more severe type of retracement in the beginning of 2nd half 2011.
Trading strategy
Sell into Strength, Buy on weakness.
Favourite Stocks Recommendations
Finance: Maybank, CIMB, RHBCAP, PBBank.
Consumer: CI Holdings, GuanChg, TWS, QL,
Construction: Kimlun, Sunway, Gamuda, Wct.
Healthcare: KPJ.
Plantation: BStead, TDM, THPlant, TWSPlant, TSH.
Trading/services: Analabs, Kfima, QSR.
Gaming: Genting.
Telecommunication: Axiata, Digi.
Environmental: Cypark.
Oil & Gas: Kencana, Pchem, PETDag.
Industrial: Ajiya, CanOne, DRBhicom, Daibochi, HPI, LIONind.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
HapSeng - "Burst" of the rumours / over speculated

Recent stock movement and news
- The stock super bull uptrend was not really supported by the strong growth of the business revenue and profit generated in the past quarters.
- The stock has shot up from RM3.00 to RM7.52 which is more than 100% in 3months time, without any major pull back or profit taking activity kicks in. The "Bull" may has exhausted after strong and long run.
- The stock may trade in over value condition as the growth in stock price has way overrun the business growth.
- The stock has been trading in the overbought zone in RSI data since Oct 2010 without easing off, a stock is not possible to continue staying in the overbought zone forever, thus, it has been in the very unhealthy condition.
- The stock is over manipulated as it is not fundamentally sound anymore, it would be healthy to have some short term retreatment.
Hap Seng Bonus issue has way disappointed the investors as the privatisation case might not be happening in the near future anymore. Most investors have made handsome profit in Hap Seng, thus many of them still willing to sell and cut profit at current level, creating more heavy selling activity happening now.
Learning Curve
If a stock behave abnormally and price has changed directly suddenly and retreat more severe compare to normal condition, while majority of other stocks are still holding well or doing good. It shows that the stock is sending the message to the investors that "I AM SICK, PLEASE AWAY FROM ME!". In Hap Seng case, the smarter investors would have cut the profit on 10/1/11 or latest 11/1/11 just before it is too late!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
KLCI Market Review, Outlook & strategy - 08012011

Technical Commentary
Technical Indicators
MACD: Bullish (Golden-cross signal).
KLCI above 50MA, 100MA & 200MA level: Bullish.
RSI stays at 80 level: Bullish, a little overbought.
Support level
1550, 1530, 1524.
Resistance level
1580, 1600.
Trading Strategy
Take profit & cutting down stock holding level to 30% stocks vs 70% cash. Stay sideline, Sell into Strength, Bargain hunting on good fundamental stocks when market dips again.
Favourite Stocks Recommendations
Finance: Maybank, CIMB, RHBCAP, PBB.
Consumer: CI Holdings, GuanChg, TWS, QL,
Construction: Kimlun, Sunway, Gamuda, Wct.
Healthcare: KPJ, Faber.
Plantation: BStead, TDM, THPlant, TWSPlant, TSH.
Trading/services: Analabs, Kfima, QSR.
Gaming: Genting.
Telecommunication: Axiata, Digi.
Environmental: Cypark.
Oil & Gas: Kencana, Pchem, PETDag.
Industrial: Ajiya, CanOne, DRBhicom, Daibochi, HPI, LIONind.
Bonus & Free Warrant issue ex-date in early Feb 2011

Further push towards Bonus issue
With the Bonus & Free Warrant issue's ex-date fixed and to be carried out on 10th Feb 2011, the stock is anticipated to attract more buyers to bargain before the Bonus issue ex-date. The investors will be benefited from the free warrant issue directly.
It is still a strong buy call and it would be smarter to buy on dips.
Saturday, January 1, 2011
KLCI 2011 Market Outlook & Strategy - "Perfect Super Bull Cycle"

Fundamental Commentary
The KLCI index was trading in a tight range between 1480 to 1530 level in Dec 2010 as anticipated. The market volume has reduced to below 1.0bil due to the year end holiday mood and early book closing by most of the fund managers. Most analysts feel more optimistic and confident with the current economy situation, and have upgraded the market outlook for the 1st half 2011. This was resulted by the convincing economic results improvement in global markets especially in US.
Technical Commentary
The KLCI index has successfully broken-out the upper line of "Symmetrical Triangle". This provides a near term bullish signal to the near term market outlook. Nevertheless, it is importance for the KLCI index to break the strong resistance at 1530 level in order to continue the market rally in year 2011. The bullish market outlook is maintained as long as the KLCI stays above the strong support at 1480 level.
Technical Indicators
Candlestick chart pattern 1: Bearish Engulfing pattern builded on 30th Dec 2010.
KLCI above 50MA, 100MA & 200MA level: Bullish.
RSI stays at 50 level: Neutral.
Support level
Resistance level
Near Term Outlook (1st - Half 2011)
With the current bullish news that the global economy recovery is gaining momentum as well as the improvement in consumer confidence, the global markets shall continue the Super Bull run in the 1st & 2nd quarter 2011. The global countries governments will definitely work harder to ensure the economy recovery is on path. Thus, the near-term outlook for the stock markets are fairly bullish. The undervalue mid-cap to small-cap may again outperform the index link counters in near term.
Long Term Outlook (2nd-Half 2011)
With the expiration of $600bil stimulus package in June 2011 which was implemented in US last year, the sustainability of economy recovery will be tested & it would be a huge challenge for it to move forward then. Apart from that, the emerging markets will also face the challenge to calm down the overheated economic situation and high inflation issue in 2011. Subsequently, they have to raise the interest rates to tackle the high inflation issue. This may also impact the stock market performance directly.
Besides, the EU sovereign debt problem, war threat & political tension between North Korea & South Korea, china economy softening, and emerging properties bubble issues may continue ruin the global economy recovery in the 2nd half 2011. The equity and commodities markets are anticipated revert into bear market due to the softening economy recovery in 2nd half 2011. Thus, it would be a safe & smart decision to clear all the stock holding position or probably just holding the mininum position before entering in 2nd half 2011.
Potential Positive/Bullish News & Incidents
- Malaysia General Election in 1st-Half 2011.
- Huge Infrastructure development project like "MRT" worth RM35bil to start construction in July 2011.
- Continuation of further positive 6% yearly GDP growth.
- Maintaining Low interest rate to support economy growth.
- High commodities prices benefit Oil & gas, metals and plantation industries.
- US $600bil stimulus package expiration in June 2011 continue creating in-flow money to Equity & Property markets.
- Further strengthening of global economy recovery especially in US & EU.
- Failure of sustaining positive quarterly GDP growth may leads economy fall into "Double Recession".
- Expiration of US $600bil stimulus package in June 2011, challenge for the self-sustaining global economy.
- Hot money out-flow from emerging markets back to US & EU to impact the equity & property markets.
- Increase of Interest rate to curb Inflation issue may also impact the economy.
- Potential of property bubble burst in Asian markets especially in China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore.
- EU sovereign debt issue may continue ruin the market sentiment.
- War threat & political tension between North Korea & South Korea.
- Potentially ending of a Super bull market due to the long run and overprice condition.
Trading Strategy
1st-Half 2011: Bargain hunting on good fundamental stocks into market weakness.
2nd-Half 2011: Clear/Hold minimum stock position.
Environmental: Cypark.
Oil & Gas: Kencana, Pchem, PETDag.
Industrial: Ajiya, CanOne, DRBhicom, Daibochi, Scientx, HPI, LIONind.